FRANCK, MAY (1880-1951)

Full Birth Name: Mabel “May” Augusta/Agusta Franck
Married Name & Dates: No identified spouse
Profession: Artist (1903-1913); Photographic Artist (1913-1949)
Professional Years: 1903 to 1949
Where Practised: Miss S Bowman, 2nd flr, 117 Swanston St, Melbourne, VIC (1903-1905); Miss M Franck (and) Miss Bowman’s Studio, 2nd Flr, 117 Swanston St, Melbourne, VIC (1906-1912); Miss M Franck, 2nd Flr, 117 Swanston St, Melbourne, VIC (1913-1917); Miss M & N Franck, 193 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC (1918-1925); 92 Toorak Rd, Hawthorn, VIC (1926-1949)
The Photographic Artist Muse

